Torizon OS offered full integration with Qt
Toradex is definitely one of the best solution providers for embedded computing devices. We have been using their Apalis iMX6 module customized carrier board for one of our projects. We found the performance of the evaluation kit to be extremely satisfactory and designed a custom carrier board.
Torizon OS (formerly TorizonCore) offered full integration with Qt providing a convenient way to use a Ubuntu development PC along advantages of the rich Linux ecosystem which was our prime requirement. Toradex has always been ready to take feedback and support developer in overcoming the challenges with their continuous build releases. Due to their extensive cross-department interaction, the quality of customer support increased multifold.

Advantages of Torizon containers over conventional embedded development :
Setting up various interfaces has been pretty easy due to the usage of device tree overlays. Changing the hardware configuration through flexible overlays reduced the time to get a module up with interfaces running.
Unlike most of the available SoCs in market, ability to build containers on development machine optimized the development time to a greater extent. Potential to combine Embedded Linux image with necessary docker containers into a single image is the biggest benefit on this environment.
The time spent on creating and maintaining the infrastructure to run the application has been drastically brought down, thereby enhancing the focus on application development. Adding a new application to the existing distribution is as simple as loading a container image on to target.
Clear partition among the various containers and the privileges(root/non-root) granted to them brought in more modularity and security for the product. This was easily achievable with just a line addition in docker-compose file.
The development of a more modular system was possible with Torizon environment, improving portability and reuse.
Extensive collection of well documented articles on variety of topics and issues on accelerated the development.