Typical/max power consumption for Apalis TK1 v1.1A

Please provide the missing data from the Apalis TK1 datasheet, table 9-3.

Also, please specify the maximum peak current drawn from VCC. The Apalis Carrier Board Design Guide states that it should be higher than 5A, but does not indicate how much higher.

Here a list of typical power consumption of the Apalis TK1 V1.1A. These numbers have been measured at room temperature with an active cooled heatsink attached. The results are depending on the silicon temperature and can vary between different production lots of the SoC.

The peak current of the Apalis TK1 V1.0A can reach higher values than 5A and therefore can cause the power supply of the Evaluation board or the Ixora doing a power failure shut down. The power consumption of the new version Apalis TK1 V1.1A has been dramatically reduced since we found an error in the power supply. The peak power consumption of the new version is not exceeding anymore the 5A limit of the carrier board supply. More information can be found in the Errata #4.

Thank you very much for the detailed data. That’ll help guide us in thermal design. I’m also glad that we appear to have the V1.1A modules, so there’ll be that much less heat (and current) to manage.