No display on HDMI on booting Win CE 7

I am using the HDMI output connected to a HDMI-VGA converter that is connected to a 15" VGA LCD monitor.

The module had Toradex Linux BSP 2.7 and display was correctly working upon boot(LXDE at 1024x768)

To install WinCE, I booted Into recovery by shorting appropriate points and ran the recovery-windows.bat. from Toradex easy installer to install Win CE 7(latest v1.2) over Ethernet. On the last screen I confirmed the “Image Installed” dialog and rebooted.

Upon reboot, i cannot see anything on screen.
I have used the debug UART to see the following boot messages, they are as follows:

Toradex Bootloader 1.2 for iMX6 Built Jul 19 2017
Splash screen is enabled.
SPL enabled version.
Using 16MB of IPU memory and 80MB of GPU memory.
Board: Apalis iMX6 Quad 1GB
CPU is running at 984MHz.
Using eMMC boot partition (size: 4096 sectors).
 Initializing L2 Cache.

Press [SPACE] to enter Bootloader Menu

Initiating image launch in 0 seconds.
System ready!
Preparing for download...
Loading compressed image...
Reading image from sector 40962.
Extracting 43447016 bytes from compressed image of 23848229 bytes

Launching image at 10200000.

It is stuck at that point and I am unable to see an output on the monitor.

From this I can tell that WinCE7 was installed into the NAND and also that the boot-loader is working fine.

I have also changed the resolution to 800x600 and 1024x768 in the boot-loader:

Toradex Bootloader 1.2 for iMX6 Built Jul 19 2017
Splash screen is enabled.
SPL enabled version.
Using 16MB of IPU memory and 80MB of GPU memory.
Board: Apalis iMX6 Quad 1GB
CPU is running at 984MHz.
Using eMMC boot partition (size: 4096 sectors).
 Initializing L2 Cache.

Press [SPACE] to enter Bootloader Menu

Initiating image launch in 5 seconds.

BootLoader Configuration:

C) Clear Flash Registry
X) Enter CommandPrompt Mode
D) Download image to RAM now
F) Download image to FLASH now
L) Launch existing flash resident image now

Enter your selection: x

>set ss
ss.fileaddr:    0x0     (FlashAddress with SplashScreen Data)
ss.filesize:    0               (Size of SplashScreen Data)
ss.enable:      1               (Enable SplashScreen)
ss.dbginfo:     1               (Enable DebugInfos)
ss.res: 0x0     (Reserved Flags)
ss.width:       640             (Display Width)
ss.height:      480             (Display Height)
ss.bpp: 32              (BitsPerPixel)
ss.ldds:        16              (LCD Lines Used)
ss.type:        1               (Display Type (0=Passive, 1=Active))
ss.color:       1               (0=Mono, 1=Color)
ss.dual:        0               (0=SinglePanel, 1=DualPanel)
ss.overlay:     0               (Overlay Enable)
ss.dpc: 0               (Double Pixel Clock)
ss.pcp: 0               (Pixel Clock Polarity)
ss.oep: 1               (Output Enable Polarity)
ss.hsp: 1               (Horizontal Sync Polarity)
ss.vsp: 1               (Vertical Sync Polarity)  5               (LCD Buffer Strength)
ss.pclk:        25000000                (PixelClock (in Hz))
ss.hsw: 96              (Horizontal Sync Width)
ss.vsw: 2               (Vertical Sync Width)
ss.blw: 48              (Begin of Line Width)
ss.elw: 16              (End of Line Width)
ss.bfw: 31              (Begin of Frame Width)
ss.efw: 11              (End of Frame Width)
ss.acb: 0               (AC Bias Frequency)
ss.disp_gpio:   0               (Display On/Off Gpio (0 means no pin used for this purpose))
ss.bl_gpio:     0               (BackLight On/Off Gpio (0 means no pin used for this purpose))
ss.dispondelay: 0               (Display On Delay)
ss.disp_pol:    1               (Display On/Off polarity)
ss.bl_pol:      1               (BackLight On/Off polarity)
ss.pcddiv:      1               (Enable Pixel Clock PreDivider)
ss.out: 0               (Output device (used only for Apalis, 0=VGA,1=parallel,2/3/4=LVDS,5=HDMI))
ss.mode:        0               (Standard mode id (overrides settings))
ss.detectmode:  1               (0=use parms, 1=match EDID info with standard mode, 2=use EDID preferred mode)
ss.res: 0x0     (Reserved Flags)
ss.edidaddr:    0x50    (7-bit i2c address, where the EDID EEPROM is located)
ss.edidenable:  0               (1=enable reading of EDID data from i2c EEPROM. 0=disable this feature)

>set ss.width 800

>set ss.height 600

>save ss
16 sectors of configuration data stored to boot.


BootLoader Configuration:

C) Clear Flash Registry
X) Enter CommandPrompt Mode
D) Download image to RAM now
F) Download image to FLASH now
L) Launch existing flash resident image now

Enter your selection:

The display still shows nothing.

Please provide some suggestions to get the display working.



Could you please set out to the desired(5 for HDMI/DVI) setting. Refer and for more information.
If Hardware display is not working, you can use the Remote display to do some actions.

Let us know if you need further assistance on this.

@raja.tx I have done the settings as suggested by you. Now the monitor is waking up, but i see a message on screen “Input not supported”. What could be the reason?


I have changed the resolution to 1366x768 and set the pclk to 85860000 in the boot-loader .
Now i am able to get the monitor working to display the Toradex splash screen, but the monitor stops receiving any input after the following boot messages:

Toradex Bootloader 1.2 for iMX6 Built Jul 19 2017
Splash screen is enabled.
SPL enabled version.
Using 16MB of IPU memory and 80MB of GPU memory.
Board: Apalis iMX6 Quad 1GB
CPU is running at 984MHz.
Using eMMC boot partition (size: 4096 sectors).
 Initializing L2 Cache.

Press [SPACE] to enter Bootloader Menu

Initiating image launch in 0 seconds.
System ready!
Preparing for download...
Loading compressed image...
Reading image from sector 40962.
Extracting 43447016 bytes from compressed image of 23848229 bytes

Launching image at 10200000.

@raja.tx Is there any way of accessing the command prompt of the installed WIN CE 7 image from the debug UART?


Could you please clear the registry and reboot and set registry shown in below and Save Registry and Restart.
This registry sets Support for multiple displays. Default 640x480 resolution will be output on VGA and HDMI/DVI.


Please use Display tool to set different resolutions. There are many presets available, please try that.

Let us know if you face any issue on that.


Please refer for console route to UART.

please create a new question for your request as per our community rules, thanks:

@raja.tx the registry is currently not accessible because the monitor receives no input after the Toradex splash screen boot messages. Is there any other way of accessing the registry? I am running Windows 8.1 PC and i also have a Windows 7 PC

@Eshwar ,

Please use 1.3 b2 image or Remote display. We have added default clone registry on 1.3 b2 image.

@raja.tx my issue is solved my doing
set ss.out 5


Thank you for your verification and reply.