Cross compiler for Apalis IMX6Q

what is the process for cross compiling a python opencv code in IMX6Q Apalis arm processor

Dear @hemasree

We don’t have any such process ready, therefore I can just give you some generic hints:

  • Python is not part of WEC7, so you will have to build and install a 3rd-party solution, such as Python CE on SourceForge.

  • I’m not aware of any OpenCV implementation for the i.MX6DL under WEC7. This might be a basic show-stopper for your approach.

  • As Python is an interpreted language, there is no cross-compilation required, you can execute any Python scripts either on the PC or on the Colibri iMX6DL, as long as you don’t need any OS-specific freatures.

Regards, Andy

Sorry, I was about to ask for linux.
Would you please suggest the solution for the question i have edited?

hi @hemasree

As @andy.tx stated you don’t need a cross compiler for Python, you just need to write python code which is compatible for Linux. If you want to use OpenCV in C++, please have a look here.

Best regards,

Thank you for giving reply.
Do you mean, we can compile OpenCV python code that’s being run on desktop linux device could be directly compiled or executed on IMX6Q ARM Processor without installation of any additional packages!

As already said, you don’t compile a python code. The python code running on your host can run also on the module under the condition all the libraries and objects are compatible with the module. You need to test with your application running on your host.