IMX8 loading easy installer hangs

Hi Toradex,

I am following the steps @ Downloads & Installers | Toradex Developer Center. I can see my imx8 device show up on my host PC under other devices names “SE Blank 8QM”.

I too experienced the issue documented @ Current uuu versio is too low, error while using recovery mode from Windows - Technical Support - Toradex Community and followed the solution. However, the loading of easy installer hangs very early into executing recovery-windows.bat:

Downloading Toradex Easy Installer...
uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.3.102-0-gb078bd0

Success 0    Failure 0    Wait for Known USB Device Appear...

I am stuck here and not sure how to proceed.

What exact hardware (module and carrier board) and Software versions of things are you talking about?

Yes, it all matters. What exact hardware (module and carrier board, e.g. SKU/version found on all labels) and software (e.g. Toradex Easy Installer) versions of things are you talking about?

oh i thought you were after the OS version.

module is Apalis iMX8QM 4GB WB V1.0A

carrier is Ixora V1.1A

Software I am trying to install is Apalis iMX8 Toradex Easy Installer (2.0b3 | 2019-10-29 | 48.95 MB) (

Hope this helps.

Thank you @alvaro.tx

I have contacted sales regarding V1.0B.

While waiting for that, is there any manual method that I can load the following into my hardware without the use of easy installer?

Apalis iMX8 (3.0b2 | 2019-08-30 | 100.49 MB)

Dear @myeoh , Apalis iMX8QM 4GB WB V1.0A was the earliest version of the SKU and that HW is no longer supported I’m afraid. TEZI never worked there…

Please check with you sales team if you need the newest version (V1.0B) of the iMX8 that is closer to the production version. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I am working on this:

Apalis iMX8QM Ixora starter kit

Apalis V1.1A

Easy Installer.

I don’t think software matters because I have it in recovery mode, correct?

Dear @myeoh, I’m afraid that for that very first silicon (V1.0A) we did not have a bring-up of our own, we just had NXP’s Bring-up image with some of our downstream changes, which I believe is what you’ve been using until now.