Colibri T20 Linux Image V1.0 Beta 6 Available

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

LinuxToradex just released version V1.0 Beta 6 of the Colibri T20 Linux BSP containing:

- U-Boot 2011.06 boot loader
- Linux kernel
- OpenEmbedded 2011.03 based root file system, using LXDE desktop environment

You can download this version from our server:

Recent Changes:
- integrated new LM95245 driver with improved accuracy (e.g. reports in milli-degrees)
- integrated watchdog support
- I2C stack fixes/optimizations
- MMC stack fixes/optimizations
- USB stack fixes/optimizations
- optional full HD only display manager to work around nv_omx_lvdsoverlaysink bug
- generic nvflash (e.g. able to flash WinCE as well as Linux)
- support mass production V1.2a Computer modules
- SD boot with proper U-Boot environment
- nvgstplayer from L4T integration/Gstreamer with decodebin2 and typefindfunction
- updated Adobe Flash player (now able to play youtube HD videos)
- T20 specific wallpaper
- true 50 MHz SPI communication
- tegrastats-gtk, CPU information visible in graphical environment
- automatic USB device/host detection aka OTG support

U-Boot and Linux kernel sources are available here:

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