Toradex Apalis T30 Linux Image V2.0 Alpha1 Now Available
We are pleased to announce the version V2.0 Alpha1 release of the Linux BSP for our Apalis T30, NVIDIA Tegra 3-based ARM computer on module. This release contains:
- U-Boot 2011.06 boot loader
- Linux 3.1.10 kernel, based on NVIDIA's Linux for Tegra (L4T) release 16-r2
- OpenEmbedded oe-core 2012.10 based root file system, using LXDE desktop environment
The Apalis T30 samples which start to get delivered to our customers are pre-programmed with this Alpha1 Image. You can download this version and the release notes from our product download server .
U-Boot and Linux kernel sources and OpenEmbedded metadata are available at
To find out more about the Apalis computer on module family, visit:
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