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Using a Computer on Module (CoM) or Customized Single Board Computers (SBC) offers flexibility to system developers to focus on their application development by using an off-the-shelf product which has generic hardware and comes with production-ready software to kick start the development of a variety of applications.

Product States Information
In Development: Products listed in this state are still in their development stage.
Sample Production: Sample Products are available for purchase in lower quantity. Such products can be new products or in exceptional cases an updated versions of an existing product. Please note that the products listed under this state are subject to change without prior notice from Toradex. Software support is not full-featured and typically hardware revisions are only supported until the next version is released. Generally, Sample products are supported with Monthly Software releases.
Volume Production: Volume Products are fully validated products in mass production. Smaller volumes are usually available from stock, while a reliable supply of higher volumes does require firm orders. Customers will be notified about any changes and they will have the possibility to place Last Time Buy (LTB) orders for a change of a Volume Product, according to our PCN Policy. The full Toradex Software support is provided, including Long Term Supported (LTS) production releases. Note: Toradex guarantees minimum availability for products - not for a specific version of a product.
Last Time Buy: Last Time Buy (LTB) product state refers to the final opportunity for customers to place orders for a specific product before it it reach End-of-Life and will be no longer available for purchase. Note: there will be no further versions of the product, but Toradex will offer an alternative product family as a replacement option.
End-of-Life: Products listed in this state are in the end of a product's life cycle. Toradex will no longer produce this product and this product may no longer be available for purchase beyond the LTB dates indicated in respective PCN.