Embedded Linux for Arm Architecture - Part 2: Application Development (in Brazilian Portuguese)

Date: March 23, 2017

Note: The webinar is held in Brazilian Portuguese.

In recent years, Linux has been considered as the most used operating system in embedded systems. This position is justified by its versatility as it is OpenSource and collaborative for the huge developer community and by its ability to be configured and used in different processor architectures. Learning how to configure and use this OS is a fundamental skill for the development of safe and quality embedded platforms, however, learning the technology is sometimes costly and time-consuming.

The purpose of this webinar is to accelerate learning, present and discuss basic principles for starting a Linux Embedded project and clearly explain the recurring doubts as well as demonstrate some practical and live procedures for the attendants.

The webinar was held in two parts, in the second part you will learn about:
  • Programming language options for application development for Embedded Systems
  • What an SDK is and Cross-Compilation
  • Configuring Eclipse for C / C ++
  • The Qt framework
  • Developing with interpreted languages (Phyton, Node.JS, JAVA)

Watch part-1 of this webinar.

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