
韬睿会定期参加由嵌入式行业主要成员举办的活动、展会和贸易展览会,例如 Embedded World, Arm TechCon 和 NXP® Technology Days。在活动现场,我们会展示我们的产品以及能够展现韬睿计算机模块,特别是其无与伦比的能力、价格和性能的演示品。下面所列出的是我们目前为止所参加过的活动。

结果:161-180 总共 246 个活动
NXP FTF Connects - Detroit
Detroit, MI, USA
São Paulo, Brazil
The Developer's Conference
São Paulo, Brazil
QtDay 2017
Florence FI, Italy
NXP FTF Connects, San Jose
San Jose, CA, USA
Recife, Brazil
Embarcados Experience
São Paulo, Brazil
Internet of Things World
Santa Clara, CA, USA
Toradex Workshop in partnership with Delta Embedded
Pune, Maharashtra, India
ESEC Spring
Tokyo, Japan
GPU Technology Conference
San Jose, CA, USA
ESC 2017
Boston, MA, USA
Machine Learning Developers Conference
Santa Clara, CA, USA
Internet of Things Developers Conference
Santa Clara, CA, USA
Embedded Linux with Yocto - Seminar
Osaka, Japan
Embedded World 2017
Nuremberg, Germany
India Electronics Week 2017
Bengaluru, India
Bengaluru, India
IoT/M2M Exhibtion West, Japan
INTEX Osaka, Japan
Asymmetrical multicore processing for reliable, complex embedded systems, presented by Toradex
Bengaluru, India
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