New Release:
V1.5b2 Windows CE image and BSP for Vybrid based modules

quinta-feira, 20 de julho de 2017


We are pleased to announce the Windows Embedded CE 6 and Windows Embedded Compact 7 & 2013, BSP and image release V1.5b2 for our Colibri Vybrid modules: Colibri VF61 and Colibri VF50.

The key updates are:
      • Added latest Microsoft updates for Windows Embedded Compact 7 (March 2017), Windows Embedded Compact 2013 (April 2017) and Windows CE 6.0 (March 2017)
      • Fixed the issue on Windows CE 6.0 that prevented storage to be formatted as TFAT
      • Fixed issue when RTS would toggle too early
Read more updates on this release, here.


Download Information 

You can download the images, BSPs, and sample OS Designs here.

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