
We know that you need more than just our Computer on Modules for your embedded projects. Our network of partners can help you in your product development for both hardware and software requirements.

Resultados: 1-3 de 3 parceiros de serviço
Integrated Computer Solutions (ICS)

Integrated Computer Solutions is proud to work with Toradex to deliver the finest end-to-end embedded systems solutions in demanding product areas.

Serviços de Software

Training, WebUI, Application Development, Qt

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KDAB has 20 years’ experience delivering functional, high-performing and innovative software to our customers across embedded, mobile and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, HTML5, JavaScript and REST APIs.

Serviços de Software

Training, Consulting, Embedded Software Development, WebUI, Qt

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The Qt Company

Qt lets companies and projects focus on user experience and application content regardless of their environment or target platforms.

Serviços de Software

Training, Consulting, Application Development, Qt

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Joint Projects
  • Boot Time Optimization for Qt-powered Devices with Toradex SoMs
  • Custom Embedded Linux Distributions
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