Lançamento da imagem Linux Image V2.0Alpha1 pata Colibri T30
We are pleased to announce version V2.0 Alpha1 release of the Colibri T30 Linux BSP for our Colibri T30 NVIDIA Tegra 3-based ARM computer on module family. This release contains:
- U-Boot 2011.06 boot loader
- Linux 3.1.10 kernel, based on NVIDIA's Linux for Tegra (L4T) release 16-r2
- OpenEmbedded oe-core 2012.10 based root file system, using LXDE desktop environment
This release adds missing features and fixes bugs, notably:
- fix USB hang on device insertion
- added correct spidev platform data (/dev/spidev0.0)
- PWM B, PWM C, PWM D now accessible from userspace, /sys/class/leds/
- refined pin muxing
- added thermal throttling, i.e. CPU freq. is reduced when CPU gets hot
- updated audio codec driver, audio input now working
- GPIO keys implementation
- LP1 suspend support
- moved to proper machine type
- fix PMIC regulator platform data
- use latest GPIOConfig, fixes issues with tristated pins and GPIO with num >222
The Colibri T30 samples are preprogrammed with the Alpha0 Image. We recommend to reprogramm the module before doing any tests.
You can download this version from our product download server , the Alpha0 release could be found on the same location in the 'old' directory.
U-Boot and Linux kernel sources and OpenEmbedded metadata are available at
To find out more about the Colibri computer on module family, visit:
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