Working at Toradex has been a fascinating experience from day one
Life at Toradex
By Roman Schnarwiler, Platform Manager ARM
My journey with Toradex started in 2005 in Horw, Switzerland when we were just a handful of engineers working on different hardware and software projects. I still remember the time when each one of us had to tackle a huge variety of tasks ranging from hardware and software design, customer support, project management, and sometimes even sales/procurement. That surely was an interesting period here. Since then, even though we have grown a lot, there are some things which haven’t changed. Firstly, the feeling of family is still there even though we are now a lot more people. One nice thing we have at Toradex in Horw, Switzerland is for example the BBQs on the roof-top of our building during the warm period of the year. The second is that we have embraced innovation in every aspect of our work. The way we sell our products over the web shop, the way we do marketing, and even the way we communicate with our competitors is unique in our business.
Some of the other aspects that I personally like about Toradex are the opportunities that they have given me. I was able to travel around the world to visit our subsidiaries, contract-manufacturer, and attend exhibitions. I spent many months in our Seattle office in order to get to know the American customers and their needs. Work was always balanced with leisure activities like eating-out, biking, hiking, and even snowmobiling, etc.
Of course there have been blue days when things which didn’t work that well and times where it was almost painful to get the desired results. We tackle these challenges as a team and embrace new challenges with a bang.
I’m glad to be part of the Toradex family and also proud of being able to keep Toradex on the right path to success.
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