Toradex Cloud Library:
an Introduction
This is the age of interconnection. Take any new product and you will be sure to come across options to make it more connected to your surroundings. The Internet of Things phenomena is ample proof of an age where everything is connected to everything else. Needless to say, today’s devices are also becoming more and more complex. This complexity best reflects itself in the mélange of hardware and software challenges that come with designing such complex devices. Historically, many proprietary hardware and software components would have been the key ingredients to a complete system. Today, product development is as much about integration with third party hardware and software components as it is about anything else.
The level of system integration being displayed is only going to go up in the future. Additionally, it is no longer just locally installed software components or operating system frameworks that are providing the critical resources and feature rich additions to applications. Advancements in communication networks are providing low-cost internet connectivity to a vast range of different devices, enabling them to take advantage of the rapidly growing services that are available in the ether of cyberspace.
This is where the Toradex Cloud Library comes in. It provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services to enable embedded devices to access Storage, Notification, Queue, and Relational Database Services. The Toradex Cloud Library is organized in four parts, viz. Simple Storage Service, Simple Notification Service, Simple Queue Service, and Relational Database Service, each providing APIs for one of these four services. Thanks to the cloud library, embedded developers using Colibri modules in their application can access a wide variety of different Cloud services through our Cloud Library. Using simple, well-structured APIs, Toradex customers can take advantage of messaging and notification services over a range of different mediums, including SMS and email. The cloud library also lets you store, and retrieve data from cloud base storage including file and databases. The library not only allows a user access to the Amazon Web Services, the premium cloud computing platform, but it is also fully free. The Toradex Cloud Library is going to revolutionize the connected embedded market by bringing never before seen levels of simplicity and ease of use to the market, all the while, enabling a new generation of applications to be realized and brought to the market in quicker and quicker times.
Toradex has invested countless man-hours of development time in extending the Windows CE and Embedded Compact operating systems that ship with every Colibri/Apalis Computer on Module. Such extensions include the addition of a wide range of configuration parameters in the Windows Registry to allow easy customization of system behavior, and a collection of different software libraries and example applications to support advanced connectivity and help accelerate customer development cycles while speeding their time to market. Our engineering team has worked on some demos utilizing the scope of the Cloud Library which include a Temperature Logger and a Remote Monitoring System.
For more information on the Cloud Library, please click here. To find out how to get started on using the cloud library, please click here.
For details on how you can utilize the Toradex Cloud Library in your project, please write to
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